Our Mission
To provide equal access to college planning for all high school students.
Our Vision
To partner with students, schools, and other community organizations to equip all students with the knowledge, skills and tools to attend their best-fit school.
Our Purpose
Most parents tell us they feel overwhelmed when it comes to helping their children get into college. The process isn’t what it used to be and competition for gaining admission and financial aid from schools is intense. Plus, kids don’t always know what they want to be when they grow up.
To ensure that students make the best decisions, two things are key: in-depth knowledge of how the college admission process works and the ability to help kids better understand themselves. That’s where the All-In vision comes in. We know the ins and outs of the college admission process and have built a curriculum that draws from the experiences gained from helping thousands of kids successfully navigate the college admissions process. We’ve structured our admission counseling and test prep programs to fully leverage that knowledge.
Given the current college counseling climate in high schools that in many cases is dramatically underfunded and over-extended, where the average student-to-counselor ratio exceeds 400:1 in many states, now more than ever guidance counselors need new tools to efficiently manage their growing caseloads.
All-In’s curriculum has been designed to help all students formulate a college admissions plan and carry out that plan from beginning to end. Our driving purpose is to help students set goals, give them the tools they need to achieve those goals, and provide counselors with the ability to help keep those students on track.