All-In College Planning Our Story


All-In was founded on the core principles that “all” students who aspire to attend college should have the opportunity to do so; and, that those students should have “all” of the resources available to them to help make those college dreams come true. Now more than ever, the college admissions playing field needs to be leveled, and All-In’s driving purpose is to do exactly that.


All-In co-founders Wilton Paogofie and Christopher Parsons are driven by their shared belief in the power of higher education to change lives – a passion that led Wilton to pursue a career in high school counseling and Christopher in teaching.

This same passion brought the two together in 2013 at the Independent Educational Consultant Association’s (IECA) Summer Institute at Swarthmore College, where the seeds for All-In were first planted. Since then those seeds have grown into thriving Educational Consulting businesses for Wilton in Arizona and Christopher in South Carolina; and they have taken the invaluable lessons they have learned in working with  thousands of students to build the All-In curriculum.

Dream Big

For too long, college admissions has been a game that unfairly excluded many worthy participants. 

The goal of the team at All-In is to level the playing field for those students who have never been provided the tools they needed to successfully play the game.  All-In College Planning represents a culmination of Wilton and Christopher’s vision that began in 2013 – a vision built on the belief that college should never be out of the reach for those students who dream big!